
In John Steinbeck's novel, "Of Mice and Men", it conveys a genuine and honest friendship message to the readers. This novel shows different classes of men. For example, the characters in the novel, George, Lennie, and Curley and others. Their roles and action reacts the social problems in that time.

George and Lennie are totally different people. George is a little man, but he possesses a certain degree of largeness. He thinks a thing through acting. Lennie is a large man who has the mind of a child and loves to pet soft, pretty things. George is little and Lennie is large. Ironically, the small man George is keeper of the larger Lennie. They are totally different, however, they are the best friends. They show the genuine friendship to us. Lennie can remember nothing except the things, which George says. He never plans to do anything wrong but he can't remember what is wrong and what is not. He always makes troubles. However, George doesn't dislike him. He realizes that he has responsibility to take care of Lennie. Over here the author conveys the message that the friendship is genuine between them.

In that time, people separate to top class, middle class and low class. George and Lennie stay low class. However they still have their dream. They want to have a land. It shows us they want work hard to improve their life.

In this novel, we can say it is irony. Lennie is large and George is small. However, in the story George is the keeper of Lennie. Their relationship is excellent. George takes care of Lennie like a brother. They have a genuine relationship, it is why George takes care Lennie even through Lennie will makes trobule.

This novel shows us the nature of the human. George and Lennie are good and honest. Curley is arrogant and bad because he always want to fight with Lennie.

In the end of the novel, Lennie was killed by George. It senses like George is a ruthess person. However, George kills Lennie because he doesn't want Lennie killed by Curley Cruelly.

Steinbeck's novels are good for us to read, like The Pearl . Of Mice and Men is one of his good works. This novel tells about the nature of the human by telling about George and Lennie's story. We also can learn many literary elements from this novel.