Book Report

The book I read is "Of Mice and Men", write by Steinbeck. The story takes place in the bunkhouse.

George Milton and Lennie Small are the main characters in the story. Lennie is a simpleminded man and loves to pet soft, pretty things. George is a farmer who has assumed the responsibility of taking care of his friend Lennie. They have heard that harvesting jobs are available on a nearby farm and are walking there. During the evening, George must take a dead mouse away from Lennie and tries to explain to Lennie that people can not pet dead things because they are not clean.

The next morning, during the job interview. George answers all the questions hey boss of the farm asked. The boss becomes suspicious about Lennie. George said that Lennie is not bright but he is an excellent worker. The boss's son Curley comes into the bunkhouse looking for this wife. He asks Lennie some questions. Lennie is fearful of Curley because Curley likes to pick on people bigger than he is.

That night in the bunkhouse, after more discussion, Carlson, one of the farmhands kills the dog which belongs to Candy, an old crippled farmhand.

George and Lennie's plan is to buy a place of their own. When Candy heard it, he wants to give them his money if they will let him go along. He knows that he will be useless very soon, just like his old dog. George and Lennie decide to accept Candy's offer.

On Saturday night, everyone is in town, except Lennie, Candy and Crooks, a Negro farmhand. Lennie tells Crooks about the three men's plan. Crooks wants to join them and work for nothing.

The next day, Cruley's wife comes in and tries to talk to Lennie. She knows Lennie likes to pet soft things. She tells him that he can rub her long, soft hair. However, Lennie strokes it too hard, he breaks her neck. Lennie knows he had done something bad. Later, Candy comes into the barn and finds Curley's wife's body. He calls George, they both know that Lennie killed her. When Curley knows Lennie killed his wife, he is determined to kill Lennie.

George found Lennie by the riverside. He asks Lennie to look across the river and imagine the place they will get. George raises the pistol and shoots Lennie through the back of the head. George killed Lennie.

I enjoy the plot. I like the character, George. He is a very responsible person. At the end of the story, he needs a lot of encourage to kill Lennie. I like the plot because it is interesting.